Category Management Case Studies

Practicing skills to solve problems, gain insights, and work together


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Practicing skills, decisions, and critical thinking benefits learning in two important ways. First, there is the practical benefit of putting knowledge to work using a real world example where perfect circumstances don’t exist. Second, case studies give your team the opportunity to gain confidence in solving issues before the stakes are too high. 

We often say that you don’t really understand something until you can explain it to others and work together to solve a problem or create new solutions. With three levels of case studies, participants can begin with developing a basic category plan, then a more comprehensive one that provides recommendations for a Retailer and, finally, test their advanced skills with multiple data sources.

Teams and individuals can work separately or together and have the opportunity to present their findings to peers and/or a senior management panel in a live or on-line session. This highly effective approach also builds presentation skills for participants.

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Hands-On Work

Without applying skills and knowledge, they both fade over time
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Reinforce Knowledge

Seeing how concepts and processes are applied to specific situations makes new connections
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Practice Skills

Repeating processes and actions builds memory and retention; presenting findings takes practice a step further.
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Team Collaboration

Being recognized, asking for help, and working together is all part of getting the job done.

Industry Case Studies

Practice, Deepen Learning, and Build Long-Lasting Expertise

Provide a low stakes environment where mistakes are OK.

Our case studies use real world examples designed at a variety of levels that help learners deepen retention while also understanding where they may need further study or review — all without making mistakes in a real world setting.

Build teamwork and collaboration.

Teams work best when all members are functioning at their optimum level and communication is flowing throughout the process. Shared successes and experiences create trust and confidence and open up the lines of communication across a team or organization.

Customize case studies for enhanced learning.

We can customize any of our case studies with your data or business issues you are facing. Using the framework of the case study, your team or organization can look at issues in new ways and collaborate to find new strategies and solutions.

How can case studies help your business? Tell us more about you …


Our Clients

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If you would like references, we are always happy to provide them upon request.